Software Solutions For Businessemail: [email protected]

Providing Software Solutions for Business across the UK since 2002

Amey is a Regional Prime Contractor for the MOD. Prime Contracting is vital to the MOD's vision for an Estate of the right size and quality, which is managed and developed effectively in line with acknowledged best practice, and is sensitive to social and environmental considerations.

When Amey were seeking an electronic paper-less system for a new facilities management project the Barracuda system was selected based upon a number of factors including the flexibility offered in multiple forms design, the ease of integration with an existing back office system and the ability to operate on an Android Tablet platform.

Previously paper folder 'JobPacks' were issued and managed from site. These contained a Job Sheet and additional forms such as Risk Assessment forms. Data could not be verified or logged on an internal system until the operative returned the paper documents to the site office. By using an electronic system Amey would streamline the process, enforce practices / key fields, save time and money on wasted journeys plus gain information direct from the field.

In order to convert the paper forms to an electronic version Tang Solutions Ltd worked closely with Amey to construct their form designs within Barracuda

During the design phase the forms were easily and quickly changed to Ameys' requirements - using an iterative process until they met both the companies and the operatives requirements.

Tang Solutions Ltd also worked closely with Amey to ensure that the system met their stringent security standards.

Since rolling out the Barracuda mobile solution to around 1,800 operatives, the JobPacks are automatically issued electronically 'over-the-air' to the operative - and completed and sanitised data can be returned straight into a back office system. This both streamlines the process and removes the need for paper documents.